Friday, May 1, 2015

DIY All-Natural Mascara

I feel like buying mascara can be such a roll of the dice. Maybe I just have selective memory loss, but it seems like I can never buy the same brand and style of mascara twice in a row. This results in a lot of inadvertent eyelash-coating experiments with varying levels of success.

Probably this isn't a universal problem. Probably you're an adult and can remember to buy the same colored tube each 4-6 weeks. But just in case you have mascara buying issues OR if you have very sensitive eyes and skin, I have a solution.

This comes from the divinely-inspired, of course. I can't find the exact post, so please forgive me. This is all-natural, it's simple, and it works really well.

The recipe is simple. Add activated charcoal to aloe vera gel until you get the desired amount (not more than a few teaspoons really). The consistency should be gelatinous, not too watery. I have the utmost confidence in your ability to accomplish this.

The hardest part of this whole thing is cleaning out an old tube of mascara and then inserting your new mascara into the old tube. I suggest one of those plastic syringes you use to medicate babies and puppy dogs. You know the ones.

And really, this mascara looks amazing. It doesn't run as long as it's dry, and it thickens really well without getting clumpy. Oh yeah, and it costs four cents!


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